Larger than …
Larger than ever-spreading sky,
Stronger than ev’ry law of earth,
Calmer than a mirror-like sea,
Is the God-Life that gives you birth.
Larger than any span of time,
Stronger far than bone and sinew,
Calmer than nature’s ebbing flow,
Is the God-Love that breathes in you.
Living larger, stronger, calmer
Is what the Saviour comes to show
To his Father’s loved and loving
Children who labor here below.
Larger than all our loneliness,
Stronger than all our willful cries,
Calmer with each new forgiveness,
Shines saving Christ love from his eyes.
Living larger, stronger, calmer
As we walk each hour with him
Feeds the spirit of believing,
A vibrant life too real to dim.
(Living Large, 2013)
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