Patricia Hofer


Patricia Hofer ended her high school teaching career in the early 1980’s and found her way to Boston for a job with a publisher. Besides learning to research and edit, she eventually had several articles published. After returning to Arizona, she taught freshman English and technical writing at Glendale Community College. Hofer is now retired and living in the lovely mountain town of Payson, AZ. She is currently at work on her seventh book.

God and “the free desire of the individual soul”

George MacDonald wrote: “[God] lays no plans irrespective of his children; and, his design being that they shall be free, active, live things, he sees that space be kept for them: they need room to struggle out of their chrysalis, to undergo the change that comes with the waking will, and to enter upon the divine sports and labours of children in the house and domain of their Father. Surely he may keep his plans… Continue reading