Patricia Hofer


Patricia Hofer ended her high school teaching career in the early 1980’s and found her way to Boston for a job with a publisher. Besides learning to research and edit, she eventually had several articles published. After returning to Arizona, she taught freshman English and technical writing at Glendale Community College. Hofer is now retired and living in the lovely mountain town of Payson, AZ. She is currently at work on her seventh book.

“A person is, however, like a double mirror …”

Jan van Ruusbroec (1293-1381): “A person is, however, like a double mirror, receiving images on both sides, for in the higher part of his being he receives God with all his gifts and in the lower part he receives corporeal images through the senses. Now he can turn inward whenever he wishes and so practice righteousness without hindrance. But in this life a person is inconstant and accordingly often turns outward; without necessity or the… Continue reading