“Day by day the manna fell; O to learn this lesson well! Still by constant mercy fed, Give me, Lord, my daily bread.” (Josiah Conder 1836)
… Christians are often tempted, as I was, by the idea that praying and following the rules can protect us from the pitfalls that others face. And yet, Jesus doesn’t promise a trouble-free life. “Do not worry about tomorrow,” he says, “Tomorrow will have its own worries. The troubles we have in a day are enough for one day” (NLT Matt. 6:34). To be human is to have “troubles … enough for one day.” And yet, as miserable as the overall picture might appear, I discovered that small things can give this one day pleasant moments. Kindnesses, from others and to others, can warm our heart. Focusing on simple, present-day tasks can calm our spirit. And letting go, not relying on our own self-effort at all, washes away stress and burden. Inspired and sustained by Conder’s poem, I still pray, “Give me, Lord, my daily bread.” (Living Calm ©️ 2016)
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