Yielding To Christianity

Patricia Hofer

“God’s Side and Man’s Side”

Hannah Whitall Smith: “Much misunderstanding arises, in reference to the subject of the life and walk of faith, from the fact that its two sides are not clearly seen… To state it in brief, i would say, that man’s part is to trust, and God’s part is to work… It is a step of surrender and trust on our part, and it is a process of development on God’s part… (Hannah Whitall Smith, The Christian’s… Continue reading

“Self must step aside…”

Hannah Whitall Smith wrote: “Self must step aside to let God work. (“The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life,” 184)
There was a time in my life when I took comfort in my righteousness, in the feeling that I was doing the right things and being what God wanted me to be. But the confidence I gained from these efforts faded, along with the sense of comfort I was seeking. …… As Jesus says: “Come… Continue reading

Day-by-Day Series

Living Calm Living Strong Linving Large
Driving into the Dawn Yielding to Wonder Turning Aside to See