Yielding To Christianity

Patricia Hofer

Mother Teresa and “quietism”

“Think before you speak but do not speak all that you think.” I hesitate to share this Chinese proverb because I’m so bad at practicing it. I might think before I speak, but that doesn’t slow me down! I share my latest thoughts anyway. … Peter had to have regretted saying, “You will never wash my feet,” when he didn’t understand Jesus’ intention (NRSV John 13:8). … Peter Gomes in The Good Book described his… Continue reading

The “dimensions” of continuing life

Life is not separate from death. it only looks that way. The Blackfoot are the source of this Native American wisdom. And Jesus offers glimpses of what that continuing life is like when he awakens Lazarus ” (NRSV 11:11). And the young man from Nain (NRSV Luke 7:14). And Jairus’ daughter (NRSV 8:50-55).
CS Lewis gave us a more contemporary metaphor, one that uses linear dimensions. Since we exist, he said, “to be taken into… Continue reading

Day-by-Day Series

Living Calm Living Strong Linving Large
Driving into the Dawn Yielding to Wonder Turning Aside to See