Yielding To Christianity

Patricia Hofer

CS Lewis explains nature’s grand purpose

In these seemingly endless rhythms of earth and sky, God has constructed a huge metaphor, an image of His depth and largeness and constancy, reassuring us from day to day and year to year. As CS Lewis wrote: “The huge dome of the sky is of all things sensuously perceived the most like infinity. And when God made space and worlds that move in space, clothed our world with air, and gave us such eyes… Continue reading

The burden of “self-effort” and “self-dependence”

Although they may not always admit it, trusting isn’t easy for Christians. During the first half of my life, I was constantly scrambling, trying to find ways to prop up my believing. … And that’s why Hannah Whitall Smith’s writing can be so helpful. She, too, was searching for a more secure and confident faith. That led her to become first a member and then a leader of the 19th century Holiness Movement. Its strict… Continue reading

Day-by-Day Series

Living Calm Living Strong Linving Large
Driving into the Dawn Yielding to Wonder Turning Aside to See