Yielding To Christianity

Patricia Hofer

God is not “a featureless generality”

“It is clear that there never was a time when nothing existed; otherwise nothing would exist now. But to exist means to be a positive Something, to have (metaphorically) a certain shape or structure, to be this and not that. The Thing which always existed, namely God, has therefore always had His own positive character…. God is basic Fact or Actuality, the source of all other facthood. At all costs therefore He must not be… Continue reading

Christ, “like light from a lamp”

First, perhaps, it is important to consider why there is Christ. God could be Spirit all by Himself. But could God be Love without something to love? This is what CS Lewis poses in his chapter “Good Infection,” and it has the ring of truth. God, not trying to hide Himself but ever seeking to reveal Himself, has to have an expression, some way to express love. Lewis wrote: “…we must think of the Son… Continue reading

Day-by-Day Series

Living Calm Living Strong Linving Large
Driving into the Dawn Yielding to Wonder Turning Aside to See