Yielding To Christianity

Patricia Hofer

“Christ willed to be the socially insignificant one.”

Sören Kierkegaard: “Christ willed to be the socially insignificant one. The fact that he descended from heaven to take upon himself the form of a servant is not an accidental something which now is to be thrust into the background and forgotten. No, every true follower of Christ must express existentially the very same thing—that insignificance and offense are inseparable from being a Christian. As soon as the least bit of worldly advantage is gained… Continue reading

“the overall operation of Scripture”

CS Lewis: “That the over-all operation of Scripture is to convey God’s Word to the reader (he also needs His inspiration) who reads it in the right spirit, I fully believe. That it also gives true answers to all the questions (often religiously irrelevant) which he might ask, I don’t. The very kind of truth we are often demanding was, in my opinion, never even envisaged by the Ancients.” (Collected Letters, Vol. 3, to Clyde Kilby)

Day-by-Day Series

Living Calm Living Strong Linving Large
Driving into the Dawn Yielding to Wonder Turning Aside to See