How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? forever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? (KJ Psalms 13:1-2)
There is something timeless about the psalmist’s plea. Someone could have been saying this very same thing yesterday, perhaps even this morning! That’s because worshipping an invisible God inevitably leads human believers to moments of uncertainty. For example, Philip said to Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us” (NIV John 14:8).
Indeed, that is the trap, isn’t it? We’ll believe if you “show us the Father.” … If we continue to seek such physical evidence, proof that he is “sensibly present” with us, we’re going to feel abandoned more often than comforted. That’s the conclusion CS Lewis offered in his fictional writing The Screwtape Letters. Speaking with the voice of the fictional devil Screwtape, Lewis offered the idea that God’s intention isn’t to “override a human will” with evidence of Himself. He is never going to make Himself “Irresistible” or “Indisputable” (39). … There are always going to be times when each of us, even the saints and the mystics, “looks round upon a universe from which every trace of [God] seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken and still obeys” (40).
That’s what makes faith a leap! Humbled and helpless, we obey. Bloody and bowed, we follow. And then, when our hearts are empty of expectation, when we are no longer relying on our own efforts at all, peaceful certainty returns. … Reaching out to us, the Lord says, “You of little faith, why did you doubt” (NIV Matt. 14:31)? (as quoted in Living Large, chapter 31, ©️ 2013)
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