“It seems a paradox to tell us that we must see unseen things. How can it be possible? But there are other things to see than those that appear on the surface. There are other eyes to look through than our physical eyes. …To see unseen things requires us to have that interior eye opened in our soul. This interior eye can see below the surface and pierce through the outer appearance of things into their inner realities. This interior eye looks not at the seen things, which are temporal, but at the unseen things, which are eternal. (See 2 Corinthians 4:18). …The question for each one of us is whether that interior eye has been opened in us yet. Can we see the things that are eternal, or is our vision limited to the things that are temporal only? Can we say of the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ that it is much more than our need, or that it is much less?” (Hannah Whitall Smith, God of All Comfort, 145)
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