Yielding To Christianity

Patricia Hofer

Purpose of prayer

Soren Kierkegaard on the purpose of prayer: “The earthly minded person thinks and imagines that when he prays, the important thing, the thing he must concentrate upon, is that God should hear what he is praying for. And yet in the true eternal sense it is just the reverse: the true relation in prayer is not when God hears what is prayed for, but when the person praying continues to pray until he is the… Continue reading

“When we think Christ, Christ comes…”

“When we think Christ, Christ comes; when we receive his image into our spiritual mirror, he enters with it. Our thought is not cut off from his. Our open receiving thought is his door to come in. When our hearts turn to him, that is opening the door to him, that is holding up our mirror to him; then he comes in, not by our thought only, not in our idea only, but he comes… Continue reading

Day-by-Day Series

Living Calm Living Strong Linving Large
Driving into the Dawn Yielding to Wonder Turning Aside to See